
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New release: LUCKY LOVE

I'm thrilled to announce LUCKY LOVE is now available at Amazon.
It's a $2.99 Christmas treat!

Here's the blurb:

For perpetually single Jazmyn Harding, what's worse than being desperate and dateless?
Receiving advice from her brash, sixty-year-old aunt via Skype from Love, a kooky town in California.

Jazmyn has no intention to visit Love but after one too many disastrous dates, agrees to Aunt Flo's challenge: if she's single in a month, she'll swap Sydney for Love.

Determined to find Mr. Right, Jazmyn plays the dating game with renewed vigour. But as the clock ticks down and her man drought continues, to what lengths will she go to avoid Love?

(If you've read CRAZY LOVE, you know what a hoot Aunt Flo is!)


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