
Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Year's Revisions conference

This free online conference is being co-run by a Month9Books publishing buddy, Kristal Shaff.

Loads of fab agents, editors and authors participating.

Go check out the fab books giveaways now!

New Year's Revisions Conference 2013

January 4, 5, and 6 

Totally free, totally online. 

You wrote the book in November. Or maybe you've been working on yours even longer. The time has come... revision time. Pay the piper, meet the reaper -- all those lovely euphemisms for the real work of writing: revising. You do not have to do it alone. We have gathered a group of fabulous book lovers: the ones who write the books, the ones who represent the authors, and the ones who edit the books. They all want you to succeed in making your book as shiny as it can possibly be before you query/publish.

That's the focus of NYRC 2013.

If you love books, want to write, or have written a book, this conference will have plenty for you to love in the way of professional publishing advice, and yes, more giveaways. There will also be a critique partner matching service for those looking for a second pair of eyes for their work.

We'll be live-tweeting the events @OpAwesome6 and using the #NYRC hash tag. Hope you'll join us!

To recap:

  • Professional publishing advice from our panel of experts
  • Guest posts by literary agents, editors, and published authors - all with an eye toward helping you through the revision process
  • Book giveaways - *happy sigh* mmm, books.
  • Critique partner matching service (January 3, the day before the conference officially begins)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thank you for spreading the word about Operation Awesome's conference! Yesterday was a blast and there are still two more days of fabulous content! I'm having fun. :) I hope everyone else is, too!


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