
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Old Desires

Liz Fielding is one of my favourite authors and she has just released a new indie-book (a re-release of one of her fabulous Harlequin Romances.)

Over to you Liz...

Thanks so much for inviting me onto your blog, Nicola! I’m having a bit of a fan girl moment here. Having read Crazy Love, I can’t wait for more stories about the inhabitants of the town called Love!

Okay, I’ll keep this short; I know how busy you all are at this time of year – but I’m celebrating the twentieth anniversary of my first book – An Image of You - hitting the shelves. I’ve just re-released one of my early romances, OLD DESIRES, as an eBook. 

To whet your appetite, here’s a little taster:

His voice grated against her spine and she stopped and turned slowly back to face him.  He hadn’t moved.
‘Yes?’ she asked, from the safe distance of her porch.
‘There was something else.’
‘Can’t it wait?’ She fumbled desperately in her pocket for her keys.
‘I don’t believe it can.’ Her margin of safety proved illusory as in a stride he was beside her, his eyes smoky dark as he searched her face. It was a look that seemed to touch her, stroke her, burn her up until she thought she would cry out. After a moment, or it might have been an age in which she felt as if she was suspended at the top of a roller-coaster, waiting for that dizzy freefall plunge, he spoke. ‘I don’t believe it can wait another moment.’
She closed her eyes in an effort to blot out the desire in his eyes, not quite trusting it, but knowing that it was far too late for her to fight the echoing response he must all too clearly see in hers. Knowing that she was helpless to resist.
He took her face between his hands, tilting her face upwards cradling it in his long fingers until she could bear it no longer. ‘Please…’ The word, barely more than a sigh, escaped her lips, but whether she was begging for release or capture she scarcely knew. Until he kissed her and by then it was too late.

Old Desires is available from Amazon UK and Amazon US (and from all other Amazon sites if you’re an expat).

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