
Thursday, January 31, 2013

The ins and outs of indie publishing

After answering many questions offline to interested writers about indie publishing and why I've chosen to follow this path alongside my traditionally published career, I've decided to do a series of articles.

Due to tight deadlines for the entire month of February (& beyond!) I'm not promising when I'll have them done, but if you have any burning questions you'd like answered, now's your chance.

Ask away and I'll do my best to answer in the not too distant future.


  1. Thanks for this, Nicola. Have you found that you've needed to do just as much promotion for your traditionally published books as your indie-published books, or is it definitely more time consuming to promote when you self-publish?

  2. Great idea - I look forward to reading it!!

  3. Quickie answer here, Juliet, because it'll be ages before I get to these reality, I don't do a lot of promo beyond my usual social media (Twitter, FB, Goodreads.)

    Indie does need more in terms of advertising your free days, because the higher you get in the rankings, the more books you sell when it comes off free.
    And there are a ton of sites you can submit your free book to.

    Personally? I'd rather write my next book than devote too much time to promo :)

    Then again, it's different for each author. If you're new, you'll want to get your name recognised but I still believe the best way to do this is write great books and garner fab reviews.

    Hope helps!


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