
Sunday, February 24, 2013

New release: The War Bride Club

There are some stunning indie covers out there and this would have to be one of the best I've seen.

THE WAR BRIDE CLUB is a new release from Harlequin Romance author Soraya Lane and doesn't it look amazing?

Here's the blurb:

When Betty, Madeline, Alice and June depart London for New York at the end of 1945 they are complete strangers. But along with hundreds of other war brides, they are leaving home to be with their American husbands now the war is over. In the days they spend at sea, the four young women become firm friends, and vow to stay in touch no matter what their new lives bring. 

But life in a new country comes with many challenges…

Betty has no family, and she has no intention of being alone in her final stage of pregnancy. Her dashing pilot husband is the man of her dreams, and she can’t wait to be reunited with him, but tragedy awaits her in America. 

Madeline never wanted to leave her family, but she was also in love. She is excited about the ranch her new husband has told her so much about, but the reality of life with his family is nothing like she could ever have imagined. 

Alice fell in love with her soldier husband while she was nursing him in London, but the strong, capable man who returned to sweep her off her feet seems to have disappeared. In his place is a man so haunted by what used to be before the war, that she has doubts their marriage will last. 

It seems that June is the only one of the four friends to find happiness in America. Her husband and his family welcome her with open arms, but her inability to get pregnant makes her feel like a failure. 

The only thing these four brave women can count on is their friendship, but Betty, Madeline, Alice and June didn’t move half way across the world to give up without a fight.

I'm really looking forward to reading this when I get on top of manic deadlines.

You can buy it here.


  1. The blurb looks awesome, but if I'm honest I'd buy the book based on cover alone. That cover is flipping fantastic.

  2. That is a beautiful cover, Nicola. Just begs me to pick it up and take it home!

  3. Same here, Amalie and Liz.

    I'd buy it for the cover alone.

    It's stunning!


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