
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

And the winners are...

A huge thanks to everyone who entered the pitch contest.
So many fab entires! I'm glad I didn't have to decide the winners...and I'm now handing you over to Flo Nicoll (my lovely ed!) who had the unenviable task.

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who’s entered this pitch – the KISS team has been absolutely blown away by the amount and qualities of entries!

We’ve spent a very enjoyable - although very difficult! -  morning reading all the 47 (yes, 47!! What a result!) entries and after much deliberating, we’ve decided on our three winners.

In no particular order, these are…

RUMOUR HAS IT by Evie Huxtable – we loved the concept of the heroine being a boyfriend-dumping professional! It’s a fun, sexy twist on the world of dating, and spot on for KISS. We can’t wait to see the fireworks between Saskia and Jamie…

INSERT GROOM HERE by Kwana – the reality TV show setting, and the fact that the heroine is falling for the very man who’s supposed to be filming her falling for someone else, instantly appealed! Can’t wait to see how Eva gets her happy-ever-after with her off-screen – and very unlikely! – hero!

THE BIG BANG THEORY OF DATING by Jane Linfoot – who can resist a burlesque heroine, how intriguing?! The ultimate in opposites attracting, and the hero’s ten-date challenge, all contributed to a really fun, snappy pitch that had us dying to read more.

So, I’ll be in touch with this talented threesome asap, and they will all get their partials critiqued within a week (although, if full manuscripts are available, we’ll be eagerly reading them too!).

However! Because the standards of this pitch were so high, quite a few others of you will be hearing from the KISS team too… watch out for the emails coming your way!

Thanks again to everyone who’s taken part, and, of course, a huuuge thanks to the amazing Nicola Marsh for hosting this pitch – I think we can all agree she’s done an incredible job!

Love Flo x

This is why I love pitch contests...expect the unexpected!
It's fantastic that Flo was so impressed with other pitches besides the lucky winners and she'll be contacting 15 of you to take a look at your manuscripts.

Thanks again, peeps, for participating, and a huge thanks to my editor Flo and the team at Mills & Boon UK.
You guys launched my career 10 years ago and I'll never forget it.


  1. Wow and oh wow! Talk about a morning surprise. Thank you so much Flo and Nicola. What a fantastic opportunity!

  2. Congratulations to the winners - what fantastic pitches!

    And huge congratulations to Nicola for 10 years in publishing. Ten years man! :)

  3. Congratulations Kwana, Evie and Jane. And many thanks to Nicola and Flo for the opportunity.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to Flo and Nicola for the opportunity :) xx

  6. Congratulations to all the winners. And, thanks again to Nicola and Flo for this opportunity. Fingers crossed for all three winners!

  7. Ooo, this is sooooo exciting! Thanks for this great opportunity Flo, and thanks for hosting a fab competition Nicola! This has been such fun! Good luck to everyone with their submissions!

  8. I am beyond excited! Thank you so much for such an amazing opportunity Nicola and Flo!!

  9. Congrats to the winners and best of luck to the other 15 who'll be contacted. Thanks Nicola and Flo!

  10. Well done to the very deserving winners, fingers crossed they can go all the way. Good luck to the others who hear back too.

    Thanks again for the opportunity Nicola and Flo, you guys are awesome.

  11. Huge congratulations to the winners, and best of luck with your critiques - hopefully we'll see your books on shelves in the future :)

    A big thank you to Nicola and Flo for the opportunity, I was lucky enough to get an email this morning and it has absolutely made my day (and my year!)

    Best of luck to everyone submitting ♥

  12. Fabulous result! Congrats the the leading 3, loved all those pitches and well done to the others chosen for a read as well.



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