
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sassy Book Lovers

The blog tour for BANISH kicked off yesterday with the music from the book. Check out the fab graphics Harlequin Teen Australia did for it (with more pretty stuff to come!)

Today, I'm over at SASSY BOOK LOVERS, where they've posted a fab review for the book.

I particularly love this part:

Nicola Marsh has created a unique and original storyline that drew me in from the start and kept me interested until the end. From the tragedy of Alyssa's ex-boyfriends death to the scarey connections she has with "the other side", her new relationship with the gorgeous RonanMarsh has managed to cover many genres from romance, drama, mystery, thriller, paranormal to YA and she has done so in a tasteful way that is so well written.

Check out the rest and the giveaways!!!

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