
Thursday, August 08, 2013

Guest Author: Christy McKellen & her naked 'call' tale!

Today I'm thrilled to welcome Christy McKellen to my blog.

Christy recently sold to Harlequin Kiss...after pitching on my blog contest right here!

Congrats Christy, now over to you...

The Naked Call 

It’s been a long time coming, this Call. I’ve been writing all my life, but only seriously started trying to write for publication about six years ago after having my second child (I have a grand total of three now – I know, I know, crazy right?)

Like many aspiring authors at the very beginning of their journey, I wrote a lot of drivel and every now and again I’d sent it off to Harlequin Mills & Boon headquarters and receive a very polite – and not altogether surprising - form rejection back each time. I feel so sorry for those poor editors now, wading through my purple prose, weak characterisation and complete lack of conflict.

I didn’t give up though; I’m stubborn like that. I kept writing. I kept reading. I read everything I could get my hands on about the publishing industry as well as the craft of writing. There’s a plethora of fabulous blogs, books and websites out there – too many to keep up with – but after a while I honed down a list of the ones that spoke to me and kept reading and learning.

I entered the competitions that HM&B offered up every year (and didn’t win, or even get a request) but met some fabulous people though on-line forums and Facebook pages, some of whom became my fabulous – and essential – critique partners. Finally I wasn’t writing in the dark any more, I had feedback!

About a year ago, I had a break-through. A new American e-first publisher offered me a contract for a book I’d written that wasn’t quite right for the Mills & Boon line I wanted to write for – KISS, soon to be Modern Tempted in the UK – and I was away. I began to build my web presence: Twitter, Facebook, blog and immersed myself in the heady world of marketing. Exciting times. But I still yearned to have something accepted by HM&B; they were my mecca.

There’s a romance writers’ festival in the UK called the Festival of Romance that will be in its third year this November, which I went to last year. It was brilliant! Not just because I got to meet and grill some of my favourite published romance writers, but because there were opportunities to meet Mills & Boon editors face to face, including the fantastic Flo Nicoll who edits the line I wanted to write for. Gold dust. I pitched a couple of ideas there, but I knew deep down at the time they still weren’t quite right for the line. But I’d met Flo – who was so friendly and encouraging - and now I was even more determined to get it right. The challenge was on.

I had a manuscript I’d been working on for a couple of years, but the characters hadn’t clicked with me – or I hadn’t clicked with them – and I’d given them a bit of time to stew in my head. Finally, FINALLY they let me in and I was away. This story was much better suited to the KISS/Tempted line and I was so excited about it. I managed to mostly complete it before the next stage in the ‘Saga of Christy’s Long and Twisting Route to Publication’.

And that’s where the lovely Nicola Marsh comes in. As you know, this fabulously talented lady has now been published for ten years – ten years, man! She very kindly organised an online pitch session on this blog where writers had to sum up their story in three sentences in the hope that it would capture Flo Nicoll’s interest. If it did, she might pick it to be one of two lucky winners who would have the first three chapters of their manuscript read and critiqued in one week. I know, more gold dust, right. Anyway, there were some absolutely fantastic pitches and I didn’t win one of the coveted prizes. “Oh well,” I thought, “never mind, I had a go and there are other ways to get your story seen.” Then I received an email from Flo saying I was one of a few lucky writers whose pitch had stood out and even though it hadn’t won, she was still interested in seeing the full manuscript. Happy? I nearly passed out with excitement.

So I polished the manuscript up, sent it to my wonderful critique partners, polished it some more after their feedback, then pressed send. Gulp!

Five weeks later, my husband and I were in the South of France celebrating his birthday. My kind parents were looking after the children for the week so we could have some much needed hubs and wife time so I was in total holiday mode. I didn’t check my email for long periods, (I’m talking hours here – I’m sure anyone who’s ever submitted a story will understand why that’s a big deal though). I woke up on the morning of Friday 5th July, logged on to the very dodgy Internet connection in our hotel and waited for my mail to download onto my phone. I had one email. Expecting it to be a regular mail from one of the blogs I subscribe to, I was amazed to see Flo Nicoll’s name. I opened it with shaking fingers. It was a lovely email saying she’d hadn’t finished reading the story, but what she’d read she really liked and she hoped to have some feedback for me by early the next week. Excited? Moi? Feedback from a Mills & Boon editor is what I’d been dreaming about for all those years. Checking the time of the mail, I noticed it had been sent some time the previous day, so I sent one back saying sorry for not replying sooner (I know, twelve hours is not a long time to wait for a reply, but I was excited, okay!) and that I was in France with a dodgy Internet connection and I was really pleased she liked what she’d read and I looked forward to reading her feedback the following week. Great. One happy bunny. I woke up the hubs, squee’d for a bit, then went for a shower.

When I came out my phone was ringing. I got to it just as it rang off and saw it was a London number. Assuming it was my brother ringing from work, I waited for the answerphone message to beep then listened to it. It was Flo. She wanted to call me and was asking whether there was a landline number she could get me on. My brain went into overdrive. In the back of my head a little voice whispered, “The editors at Mills & Boon only call to offer you a book contract”, but the sensible, more cautious side of my brain said, “Don’t be silly, she’s probably just missing the end of the document and needs you to resend it or something.” I was shaking. I had to know, IMMEDIATELY. I found Flo’s direct line number from her email and called it. I must point out at this stage I was still fresh out of the shower and… completely naked. A lady picked up the phone at the other end and I explained who I was and was hugely excited to find I was talking directly with Flo herself. She asked if there was a landline, but I explained there wasn’t one in my room (I didn’t mention I was too naked to leave the room and find one) so we continued the conversation on my mobile. (So yes, I made my own Call). Basically, she told me they really liked the story and they wanted to offer me a two-book contract. I stood there, still dripping water from the shower, my whole body shaking now and muttered something like, “Oh my god, I’ve wanted this for so long, thank you so much, yes, yes, I would love a two book contract,” while my husband stood there with tears in his eyes. He knew how much this meant to me, he’d been there with me on the journey through all its ups and downs, so he KNEW. I somehow managed to finish the phone call with Flo without sounding like a complete loon and just started at my husband in shock. It took a celebratory gin and tonic by the hotel pool and a LOT of talking and pinching of skin for it to finally sink in that I’d SOLD MY MANUSCRIPT TO MILLS AND BOON. The rest of the day – and the rest of the week to be honest – was spent celebrating. The photo is of me, the day of The Call, dancing for joy on the beach. A good day. The best.

Anyway, thank you for sticking with me this long. It’s been quite a ride, I can tell you.

And the moral of the story? Keep writing, keep reading and never, NEVER give up.

Holiday with a Stranger will be published in March 2014 within the KISS/Modern Tempted line by Harlequin Mills & Boon.

B.K. (Before Kids) Christy worked as a Video and Radio Producer in London and Nottingham. After a decade of dealing with nappies, tantrums and endless questions from toddlers, she has come out the other side and moved into the wonderful world of literature. She now spends her time writing flirty, sexy romance with a kick (her dream job!).

In her downtime she can be found drinking the odd glass of champagne, ambling around the beautiful South West of England or escaping from real life by dashing off to foreign lands with her fabulous family.

Christy loves to hear from readers. You can contact her at:


  1. Ok, sniiiiiiiff, Christy. Lovely call story - and so deserved - and so naked! Great good luck and many happy years of writing. And I hope you're still celebrating!
    Maggie J

    1. Thanks so much Maggie! I definitely AM still celebrating and will be doing for some time to come I think... X C

  2. Congratulations, Christy - what a great call story!

  3. Congratulations! And may the thrill never get old.

  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I have a tear in my eye for you,Christy and I'm SO thrilled to read your dream has come true. Bedford must seem a long time ago now. Hurrah!!xxxx

  5. Aww what a lovely call story. Your hubby's tears made me teary too!
    You will be to blame for the sudden nakedness of aspiring authors everywhere!
    Huge Congrats :-)

  6. Thank you all very much for coming over to comment, it's lovely to be in such great company.

    Rachel - Bedford seems like EONS ago now. Another life entirely ;)

    Tracey - I do hope so. How liberating would that be! :)

  7. Awww what a fantastic call story. So pleased for you Chirsty. Wishing you all the best for the future. Like you say it's a dream job all right! Caroline xx

  8. It really is, Caroline, I'm still pinching myself even now! :) Thanks so much for stopping by x

  9. Aww dang, I seem to have an eye lash in my eye or something ;-)

    So thrilled for you!

  10. That had got to be THE best call story, ever! Am so happy for you Christy xxx

  11. What a lovely story, and such a deserved success! Well done! x

  12. Ladies, thanks so much for your support, I really appreciate it!
    x C x

  13. Congratulations, your Call Story's wonderful!

  14. Wow! What a lovely story. When my first book was accepted way back in the 70's all I got was a formal letter. This is so much nicer. I feel your emotion.

    1. Margaret, I'm honoured that you read and enjoyed my call story, I've been a huge fan of yours for years! Thanks so much for your lovely comment x Christy x

  15. Hi Kate and Carol. So pleased you enjoyed it and thanks for coming over to comment, I'm totally blown away to be in such esteemed company!

  16. What a wonderful call story - I have tears in my eyes from reading it! Congratulations!!

  17. One of the best call stories ever, Christy.

    Congrats again!

    (and thanks everyone for stopping by.)

  18. No doubt your site is amazing and I really like it. Nice writing, you are doing great effort, your way of writing is unique. Love this site.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. I agree, Nicola's blog is fabulous!

  19. Fantastic call story, Christy! It gave me goosebumps, I'm so happy for you. Really well done! xxx

  20. Fantastic call story, Christy and wonderful photos too :). How lovely to get such amazing news whilst you were on holiday as well--cue lots of celebrating methinks. Big big big congrats...I so very much love what you've written so far! You're heading places :))).

  21. Congrats Christy! I had tears in my eyes reading that your hubby did. So, so happy for you xoxo


Thanks for taking the time to comment.