
Friday, April 21, 2006

Baby steps getting bigger...

The end of my writing week and I'm pleased to report I'm 7250 words into a new book. In all honesty, I can't quite believe that word count as it feels like I'm moving at a snail's pace with this one (probably because my mind is definitely on other things.)
However, the baby steps do add up and in forcing myself to sit at the keyboard every night and write something, at least the words are there.
As a wise author once said, you can edit a bad page, you can't edit a blank page.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.


  1. I can't wait for something new. I have one more to revise before I get to play again.

  2. oh c'mon - you see thats just NOT fair.... especially for those of us who have REVISIONS....

  3. Revisions are good!
    Revisions mean you're one step closer to that next sale!
    I want revisions!!!!


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