
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A fresh start

If you're anything like me, you love new things: new books (I really dig the smell!), new clothes and starting a new book.
The characters are jumping up and down, sticking their hands up in the air saying 'notice me! notice me!' and you just have to start telling their story.
This happened to me last night. I started watching a movie (which turned out to be bor-ing) so went to turn off my PC around 9.30. Instead, found myself sitting down to maybe get the first page written of the new idea. 5 pages later, called it quits because I was pretty zonked anyway but I know I'll love whizzing through the first 3 chapters, loving the fresh, vibrant newness of a story.
Writing the rest is the hard part...


  1. New tack is the poison of my choice... nothing like the smell of new leather.. and no, its not a fetish, honestly!

    Can't believe you're storming into another new one so fast!!!!! Not fair! Its as well you're so nice or you'd be hateful!


  2. Ditto! On loving th whole new story thing. You know I'm going through that same rush right now. I'm 20k in and still feeling it, which is terrribly rare!

    Go get 'em Nic!

  3. Not sure about storming, Trish. More like eensy-weensy tiny steps ;)

    A rush after 20K is amazing, Ally. You're lucky! I'm hoping to sustain it for 10K!!


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