
Saturday, August 19, 2006

I'm back!

Hey everyone, I'm back! Did you miss me?

The RWAus conference at Broadbeach was fantastic. I caught up with so many people, met loads of new writers and generally had a whoop up time!
I will be posting loads of snippets, pics and general goss over the next week so stay tuned...
Here's a sneak peek at what some of us got up to: moi receiving my 'woman fuzzy' award (explanation later!) and the Romance girls pre-cocktail party in full 'Golden Era of Hollywood' outfits.

I also spent a glorious week post-conference soaking up the glorious Queensland sun, basically sitting around and doing nothing! I didn't type a single word!!

Of course, I've come back to a flurry of writing news.

1) I've sold my 2nd ModX!! The Creative Touch (Tahnee's story) will be out in March 07 as TWO-WEEK MISTRESS.

2) BIG-SHOT BACHELOR will be released in Australia under the Sexy Sensation line in May 07.

3) WIFE AND MOTHER WANTED is nominated for a Cataromance Reviewers Choice award (alongside my buddies Ally Blake, Trish Wylie and Natasha Oakley. How cool is that!)

4) My first Romance cover has arrived. INHERITED: BABY is a Dec 06 release and once I scan it, I'll pop the cover up.
I've adored every one of my covers and though this one is cute, I'll honestly say it's not my fave. I don't like baby covers and that's what this is, a giant gorgeous baby close-up.
Don't get me wrong, I adore babies. I have one of my own (who has far-too-quickly morphed into an active toddler) but for me, babies don't spell romance. I much prefer the sexy couple covers to bubs. And in this book, the baby is such a small part of the story...sigh...
This is my Melbourne Cup book and I was really, really hoping for a couple and bub and horse on the cover but it's not to be...I'll get over it...eventually!

Seriously, the baby is very cute and I've seen far worse covers so I should be happy.
Can you tell I'm overtired and just rambling on endlessly?

Promise to get up to speed over the next week. In the meantime, bear with me...


  1. Welcome back Nicola! I can't wait to see more photos and hear more news from the conference.

    Woohoo on Tahnee's story - I can't wait to read it - 07 feels such a long time away!

    I love babies too, and I must say that as a reader I'd feel a bit disappointed to pick up a baby cover, expecting baby stuff, and not finding it. I can understand why you're not too happy about it.
    I guess the powers-that-be have a reason that makes perfect sense though - to them anyway.

    I don't think you should worry too much because your established readers will no doubt go by your name rather than the cover - I know I do.

    Sue :-)

  2. Thanks Sue,

    I needed to hear that!

    Feeling much better today with some sleep under my belt. The cover is cute so will scan and pop up in the next few days.


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