
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Surprise! My first guest.

I promised you a surprise to keep you entertained while I'm away so here it is: my first ever guest and it's none other than the lovely Marion Lennox, who just won her 2nd RITA in the Best Traditional category with Princess of Convenience. (Isn't Mitzi a cutie?!)

When were you first published?

1990 with Dare to Love Again

How many books have you had published?


What type of romance do you write?

Tender Romances and Medical Romances. I really enjoy Royal Fantasy Romances - the age old Cinderella story, and royalty without the paparazzi.

Awards, recognition, bestsellers?

Nine times nominated for Rita, awarded Rita in 2004 & 2006, 13 times finalist for Rby, awarded Rby in 2004. finalist for RNA (UK) finalist for Holt,
2006 Cataromance award for Best Medical Romance for 2005

Define romance for you.

A man and a woman and a happy beginning. My fantasy lover and my best friend rolled into one gorgeous hunk of masculinity!

What do you love about Melbourne?

You're kidding right? Um....I love Melbourne because it contains my friends. I love the new Southern Cross station cos it lets me come visit my friends more easily and then it facilitates my trip home. To Ballarat. Which I do love. I'm not a big city girl. You just have to read my books to know that.

The most romantic thing about Melbourne for you?

Close to Melbourne is Ballarat. :-) Sovereign Hill is a retained and restored slice of the gold diggings dating from 1850.
You can stay in their suites at Sovereign Hill Lodge and it's fabulous. Snuggle down on a freezing winter night, wake up to the sound of troops drilling, horses hauling loads through town, diggers going about their business as they did a
hundred and fifty years ago - then take a hot shower or a spa before
going out to investigate :-)

I could've asked Marion a thousand other questions but she was getting ready to leave for the RWAus conference (I'm almost packed too!)
On Monday, I had the pleasure of being there when Stephanie Laurens presented the gleaming RITA to Marion, a truly fabulous moment.
Congratulations once again, Marion. Keep those gorgeous award-winning books coming!

(Late mail just in! My editor says the revisions to The Creative Touch look great so it's all systems go for my second ModX. Will know the title when I get back. You'll all have to hang on till then like I will!!)

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