
Friday, December 29, 2006

Latest reviews

Here are a few snippets from the latest reviews of my current release, INHERITED: BABY and my upcoming first Modern Extra, BIG-SHOT BACHELOR. (Head on over to Cataromance to read the full reviews!)

Awe inspiring characters combined with an incredible story Inherited: Baby by Nicola Marsh tells the story of a woman whose inspirational spirit to live her life her way and is able to succeed in getting the man of her dreams. I really enjoyed Maya and Riley because they both were able to understand what was at stake and how to overcome their problems to make their relationship work. I loved how Riley was able to learn what was important to him, and have the guts to go after it. Ms. Marsh is an author I always enjoy reading and Inherited: Baby is another book that will stay with me long after I’ve finished it.

And more!

Nicola Marsh writes a down-to-earth romance that will appeal to everyone as Big-Shot Bachelor has for me. I loved reading how Ariel and Cooper connected, and how Cooper learnt that love comes in many forms and ways. I also enjoyed the relationship between Cooper and his father, the in-depth way Ms Marsh was able to delve with this father – son relationship gave the story a lot more personality. You need to read Big-Shot Bachelor because it gives you a romance that will stay with you.
Hoping to pop back in before the New Year but if I don't make it, I wish you all a wonderful start to 2007!

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