
Thursday, January 04, 2007

And the sex is...

In all the excitement/exhaustion of Christmas and the New Year, I think I forgot to reveal the teeny-weeny detail of what I'm having in May?
Due to the terrible morning sickness (that is such a misnomer when it lasts from when you open your eyes in the morning to when you close them last thing at night!) most people swore I was having a girl. I'd almost convinced myself too because no way was I this sick first time around.
So, what's the verdict?
Like I said, the doc isn't 100% sure as the glimpse was fleeting. For me, it was long enough to see something between those legs...
IT'S A BOY!!!!!!
I'm really thrilled, as some small insane part of me thinks boys are easier to raise than girls? I know, I know, leave me to my delusions till they hit the teenage years at least!
Mind you, I know of someone who was told they were definitely having a boy only to have a girl pop out at the business end. Apparently, it had been a hand they'd seen between the legs at ultrasound time!!!
So now you all know :)


  1. WoW!!! Congratulations, Fiona. That is fabulous news. What a wonderful gift for your son.


  2. Congrats, Nicola. Having one girl and three boys, I think I have to say, how easy they are to raise depends on the kid! Enjoy! And happy new year...

  3. Wonderful news, Nic.
    But... you never know...
    my son was told he was having a son last year and he went out and bought some little guy stuff -- started imagining taking his son fishing etc. But you guessed it, in later untrasounds the white coats weren't so sure and in the end a girl arrived! Of course my son is smitten by his daughter now. Wouldn't want her any other way -- which goes to prove that it doesn't really matter, does it? We love 'em all!!!

  4. That's brilliant news Nic.
    It's going to be super exciting in May!

  5. Thanks everyone :)

    Barb, I've heard of this happening a few times, so I might just have to wait till the actual event!
    Luckily, I don't have to buy any boy stuff, I have it already, but if it's a girl, she may just be in a bit of blue for a while ;)

  6. Congratulations, Nicola! Many hospitals won't say for sure any more, will they, in case they get sued?!

    Jess x

  7. Congratulations Nic!!!

    I'd agree that boys seem to be easier, although that could be about to change as my son turns 15 this year!

    My daughter's 18 this year, and following a few rocky years (starting from when she was 7!!) I'm pleased to say she's back to being a delight.

    Sue :-)

  8. Many congratulations, Nic.

    Best wishes,

  9. Ooooh how exciting is this???? CONGRATS hun!

    Looking forward to meeting both your gorgeous boys this summer!

  10. Congratulations, Nic! I was convinced that my first was a girl (and so were the midwives)... um, no, ENORMOUS boy. And I thought my littlest was a boy. Um... no, not as big as her brother but still a fairly big girl. As for which is easier... Nope, it depends on the kid. And it changes from day to day :o)

  11. Congratulations on your wonderful news!
    All the best,
    Gail Fuller

  12. I agree it depends on the kid :)

    My first is a little angel for a boy, so does that mean the next won't be? ;)
    Only time will tell!!

  13. Hey Nic

    Haven't commented on your blog before but just had to say - CONGRATS!! I have two boys and although I did want a girl, I now wouldn't have it any other way. Plus, the amount of romance writers with two boys is phenomenal!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment.