
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Romantic Times Top Pick!

I've received a lovely early Christmas present!

My current release in the UK, MARRIAGE: FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE?, out in the States in Feb, has received 4 and a half stars and Top Pick from Romantic Times!

Here's what they had to say:
It's been 10 years since Brittany Lloyd left New Zealand after bad boy Nick Mancini refused to go with her. Now she's on the cusp of a major career breakthrough but needs his help. She's in for a surprise -- he's now the multimillionaire owner of an international hotel chain. While the attraction is still there, so are the memories of how things ended. Nick says he'll help her if she'll help him -- by marrying him so his business associates will take him seriously. But how long will the marriage stay in name only?

This lovers-reunited tale is awash in passion, sensuality and plenty of sparks. The terrific characters immediately capture your attention, and from there, the pages go flying by.

Hot on the heels of A TRIP WITH THE TYCOON scoring an award nomination for Best Harlequin Romance, I love the fab folks at RT!

(An aside on the review...the book is set in Noosa, Australia, a fave holiday spot of mine.)


  1. wow, congrats Nicola! Merry Christmas

  2. Yeah, great stuff! :) Can't wait for Feb to roll around so I can (hopefully! LOL) get it! :)


  3. Great news, Nic - lovely Christmas pressie for you, and well deserved :)


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