
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Manga magic

Much excitement when I brought in the post yesterday...I received a Manga copy of THE DESERT PRINCE'S PROPOSAL.

I was so enthused, I scoured it several times cover to cover, and ended up accidentally leaving the book at my folks, hence I can't scan it for you.

I get super excited by manga editions of my books, for the simple fact I can follow every scene through pictures! It doesn't matter that I can't read Japanese, the book is laid out beautifully.
I particularly love finding key scenes and how they are portrayed.

I think this is my 4th Manga translation, yet the only copy I've had to date is this one, for THE WEDDING CONTRACT.

I was never a cartoon fan as a kid but discovering my books laid out in picture form makes me a convert!


  1. How exciting! You must be over the moon. Take care. Caroline x

  2. The cover looks great!

    I went through a phase of watching manga films and have recently 'looked' at a manga version of a Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark Hunter story. The English translation came with instructions to start from the back! As I'd already read the book I was more interested in the pictures!

  3. Thanks Caroline.
    And thanks for the lovely Christmas card you sent! Much appreciated :)

  4. That's what I like about Manga, Veronica, you can follow the book in pictures, esp. if you've already read it.


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