
Thursday, December 10, 2009

RT Award nomination!

I'm thrilled to announce A TRIP WITH THE TYCOON is a Best Harlequin Romance 2009 finalist in the Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Awards.
You all know how much I adore this book, it is a favourite, so to be nominated for this award (my first RT nomination!) I'm absolutely thrilled!
Fellow Romance finalists are Fiona Harper (Invitation to the Boss's Ball was released in the UK in the same book as my Tycoon, so if you want to read 2 finalists for the price for one, go grab it via the BookDepository, free delivery worldwide!)
Jessica Hart
Myrna Mackenzie
Melissa McClone
Fellow fab Mod Heat authors Kate Hardy (who delivered the exciting news to me!) and Trish Wylie are finalists for Best Presents.
Smiles all round!


  1. Huge congrats on your nomination in the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Awards 2009. I bet you were dead chuffed! Take care. Caroline x

  2. Congratulations, Nic! What fabulous news and just in time for Christmas!

  3. What a fabulous piece of early Christmas cheer! congratulations Nicola xx

  4. Well, did it at twitter, but I serious doubt one can have enough. . . so congrats again! I haven't read this one just yet, but I'm trying to get there (class in the way and all LOL) :)


  5. Congratulations, Nicola. Well done. Fingers crossed.

  6. Thanks Kate and Margaret.

    Fingers crossed all round :)


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