
Friday, May 04, 2012


Today I'm thrilled to welcome J. Lynn to my blog (you may also know her as fab YA author Jennifer Armentrout).
She's here to tell us about her first adult release, TEMPTING THE BEST MAN, a category romance just released with Entangled Publishing's Indulgence series.
I've started reading it and...WOW. Jennifer has an amazing voice that sucks you into the story instantly.
Read to the end for a chance to win copies of this book!

Now, over to Jennifer.

Tempting the Reader/Writer

I’m the kind of reader that’s tempted by a hot romance story, an alpha male… or two, and laugh out loud moments. Any book that has those three elements, I’m sold. Hey, what can I say? I’m easy like that.

In fact, she’d take an asteroid with “Earth’s My Bitch” emblazoned on it and headed her way over this.

So it seemed only natural that I’d write what I enjoy reading. Just like with reading, any story I write has to tempt me. It has to get under my skin, make me hot, and make me laugh. If not, I can’t get into writing it. See, I bore easily and, on top of that, I get distracted by shiny Internet things all the time. Shiny things like this
Moving on…

TEMPTING THE BEST MAN is my first category romance book. I’m more of a paranormal/urban fantasy author, but there’s something fun and relaxing about digging into the world of normal, everyday people who aren’t fallen angels or mutant llamas.
Mutant llamas—they DO exist. And they smoke cigars and wear tuxedos. Who knew?

In TEMPTING THE BEST MAN, you’ll meet 25 year old Madison Daniels, who has had the hots for her brother’s best friend for as long as she can remember. Who hasn’t been in a situation like that? If it’s not a brother’s BFF, it’s your own best guy friend. There’s that line you know you shouldn’t cross with that person, which makes its oh-so much more fun to cross.

Chase was the Antichrist to her.
A really, unbelievably hot Antichrist…

Chase Gamble, one of three notorious brothers, does put the “awt” in “hawt” and he can be a little, er, demanding when it comes to certain things.

Open your legs for me,” he ordered.

Well, okay Mr. Bossy Pants.

Okay, let’s get to the good stuff. Who do I see as Chase Gamble?
And just because I stumbled across this:
Holy hotness, Batman.

Hot guys and relatable female leads aside, I was also inspired by the TV show Doomsday Preppers. I kid you not. True story. I was watching it one night and thought to myself, I need to write characters one day that are somehow like the Doomsday Preppers. 

And so Madison’s parents were born.

Not even her semi-lunatic parents, who owned and operated a very profitable online store called DOOMSDAY “R” US and would likely be hawking gas masks to the guests, were the problem.

“I know, Dad, but I haven’t had a chance to get a new spare tire yet.”
“You should always have a spare. Have we not taught you anything about preparedness?”
Well, wasn’t that a moot point right now? And it wasn’t like a comet had struck her car.

So I was tempted to write a story that had a good, steamy romance, a hot and sometimes demanding (wink wink) alpha male, with a dash of snark and humor. Hopefully, you’ve been tempted to check it out.

About Tempting the Best Man

Madison Daniels has worshipped her brother's best friend since they were kids. Everyone thinks she and Chase Gamble would make the perfect couple, but there are two major flaws in their logic. 1) Chase has sworn off relationships of any kind, and 2) after blurring the line between friends and lovers for one night four years ago, they can't stop bickering.

Forced together for her brother's wedding getaway, Chase and Madison decide to call a truce for the happy couple. Except all bets are off when they're forced to shack up in a tacky 70’s honeymoon suite and survive a multitude of "accidents" as the family tries to prove their "spark" can be used than for more than fighting. That is, if they don't strangle each other first…

Get your copy at Amazon or Barnes & Noble!

About J. Lynn

Jennifer L. Armentrout writes adult romance as J. Lynn. She lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you've heard about her state aren't true. When she's not hard at work writing, she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories....which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She also writes adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is the author of the COVENANT Series (Spencer Hill Press), the LUX Series (Entangled Publishing), and the upcoming YA contemporary mystery/thrillers DON'T LOOK BACK (Disney/Hyperion Fall 2013) and yet untitled book (Disney/Hyperion tentative Fall 2014)
Connect with J. Lynn at her website, on Facebook, and Twitter

Jennifer is giving away 2 e-copies of TEMPTING THE BEST MAN.
To be in the running, leave a comment!


  1. I am such a huge fan of JLA! I adore her Lux series and Covenant series. I am really looking forward to reading Tempting the Best Man. Thanks for the post! ohpaperpages{at}gmail[dot]com

  2. Congratulations on your first adult release, Jennifer! Tempting the Best Man sounds like a really fun book. I always enjoy a story where one of the characters is harboring a long-time secret or not-so-secret crush. Plus, the demanding alpha-man hero is a welcome bonus!

  3. Sounds like my kinda book ! Thanks for the insight Ill be adding this to my tbr list ;)

    Tempting the best man ** love the title !!


  4. I've read all of Jennifer's books, and I don't have a single bad comment about any of them! I'm a fan of all of her books/e-books, and I can't wait for her next release! I'm hoping it's soon because i'm finding out that i'm a very-very bored person at the current moment.

  5. Sounds like such a fun book! Can't wait to read it :-)

  6. Hi
    Congrats on your new release. I love this type of's friend to lover. Looking forward to reading.

    Thanks for the chance.

  7. I'm hooked on the Gamble brothers. Must. Have. More. I hope there's more. I'm not above bribes...

    I have so many favorite quotes from this book. Today's favorite:

    "He was the type of guy who would rip off his shirt in the middle of Snowmageddon and give it to a homeless person on the street"

    Poor Maddie never stood a chance.

  8. What a picture you ggave us as hottie batmn. But, I really don' t see him as the forceful person. I know the way he speaks and the wy he presents himselk can look like e gets his way. But I would love to finish this book for sure. This would be my first book from her. I am aleays looking for new authors to read. Thanks for sring this with us.

  9. One of my favorite themes!! Falling for their brother's friend! This book is definitely my cup of tea. Thanks!

  10. I'm a huge JLA addict. This book definitely sounds refreshing. I'm always looking for new adult fiction. Definitely excited to read it!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  11. Tempting The Best Man sounds soooo good. I can so relate to liking someone you shouldn't. before I got married I had such a HUGE crush on my best friend. I have so added this book to me to be read pile. I am so keeping my fingers crossed on this one....^_^.


  12. So excited to read this title. I loved Obsidian and this steamy read seems right up my alley! Thanks for the giveaway :D

    victoria (dot) smith775 (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. I am going to have to read this one! I'm all about the romance and the relationship between the main characters. I just finished a book that I LOVE!!!!! It is called, "The Gift" by Slannyn D'Arcy. It is packed full of danger, action, suspense and one HOT hero! "The Gift" is the first book in a series of historical fiction. I can't wait for the next one!

  14. Congrats on your first adult release! The book looks like it is going to be a good one and I'd love to read it!

    Best wishes!
    bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

  15. I love the tittle. Nice review too. I love temptation and hot man.Can't wait to read the book. Sounds fantastic.

  16. Great interview :)

    Congrats on your new release! It sounds like a really good read.

    I really enjoy a friends/lovers romance.

    I love the sound of the family interfering in TTBM, I'm looking forward to reading it.

  17. I'm sooo obsessed with Obsidian. Jennifer really knows how to write a book as an author. I wish she was my neighbour!! This sounds awesome and I can't wait to read her other work too.


Thanks for taking the time to comment.