
Monday, May 07, 2012

Romantic Book of the Year finalist!

I'm absolutely thrilled to announce BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD is a finalist for RWAustralia's Romantic Book of the Year!

It's the first time I've been a finalist in this prestigious award and to have it happen with this book is extra special for me.

The winners are announced at the awards dinner at the RWAus conference on the Gold Coast in August.

I have too much on my plate to attend the conference this year but now I'm oh so tempted to fly up for the awards...

For a full list of nominees (including fab author buddies Fiona Lowe, Kelly Hunter, Sarah Mayberry, Robyn Grady, Marion Lennox, Anna Campbell and Barbara Hannay) and a squiz at the gorgeous trophy, check here


  1. SQUEEE!! CONGRATULATIONS!! How incredible is that trophy? I'd be tempted to fly across the country too!

  2. YAY Nic!! Mega congrats on being a R*BY finalist! I love Busted in Bollywood. Will be cheering you on at the Gold Coast in August!

  3. Thanks Lacey, isn't the trophy fab?

    I'm just happy to final but wouldn't mind taking that baby home ;)


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