Friday, December 19, 2008

Almost there...

This man...
has followed this woman...

From here...

To here...

Okay, Nick hasn't exactly followed Brittany from Noosa to Oxford Circus but he is in London after stopping in the Caribbean along the way.
They're in Chelsea, in a dilapidated house, smack bang in the final scene.
Fireworks are going she's crying...and I'm too tired to write any more so I shall finish this book tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Now that's a tease, because I can joke how could you stop there. . . but in the end, I can't read it now anyway to find out what's going on! And that's just too depressing! LOL :) Have fun today!


Romance, Rumours and Rogues said...

When I'm writing, I like to tie up loose ends before stopping but in this case, the eyes were closing...

Sorry to keep you in suspense!